Aromatherapy And Pregnancy: A Simple Guide

If you’ve ever been pregnant, or known someone who has, then you’ve probably heard all the stories about odd cravings, weird hormonal imbalances, and heightened senses.
The whole ordeal of growing another human inside throws the entire body in a disarray, which can often lead to some mental and physical health issues if not kept in check. While there’s always medicines to help you with those, there’s also a plethora of natural remedies that can help you during pregnancies which you could try.
Why not try one of those?
Aromatherapy is a safe and natural remedy for many problems and is a perfect companion for women before, during, and after pregnancies.
In this post, we’ll talk about some of the essential oils and products that we would like to recommend using during pregnancy.
Peppermint and Spearmint: Mint family oils tend to have amazing soothing powers for the digestive system. It’s perfect to help alleviate that icky nauseating feeling due to morning sickness that tend to last well beyond the mornings. The mint oils also help when you’re feeling hormonal by helping to balance the hormones, and also help when every other smell makes you sick. Mint oils also keep you energized when you’re feeling sluggish and drained. You are growing another person inside you, and that can be very draining.
: is another essential oil that can help stimulate the nervous system and energize the body, while also improving digestion and appetite. While the smell itself might be harsh, especially during pregnancies, combined with another, calm smelling oil, like lemon or lavender, can give you plenty of relief when you’re feeling down and sick.Ginger: has always been used as a remedy for digestive issues and its oil can provide some great relief from nausea. Ginger essential oil also boosts immunity, which is a crucial thing to consider, since falling ill while pregnant can be harmful for the baby. Ginger oil can also be really helpful in relieving muscle pain and aches which again is very common during pregnancies.
Lemon: Although we mentioned it briefly before, lemon essential oil, and most citrus fruit oils for that matter, has a really soothing smell that can help with a lot of things, including relief from nausea, improved digestion and appetite, and improved immunity. Lemon essential oil is also great for mood boosting.
Other than the ones mentioned, there’s loads of other essential oils that can be used during pregnancies for mood boosting, balancing hormones, relieving nausea and improving digestion, improving immunity, and for taking care of your skin. Common essential oils like Tea Tree, Lavender, Frankincense, and chamomile can also be very beneficial to an expecting mother. Oils can also be used for massages for improved circulation, healthier skin, anti scar, stretch mark, and energizing the body.
In Conclusion
Before we finish off, it should be mentioned that consuming essential oils can be toxic for people, especially during pregnancies, so we would highly recommend using them externally during this period. We would also suggest consulting your physician on whether it is safe for you to be using essential oils during this period. Many people react differently to different things, and what might be safe for others, might cause you harm. So, research and stay safe.
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